
Writing Today’s Story

Are you, like me, a storyteller at heart? Each morning my mind is filled with stories I’d like to tell, but my inner critic takes over and convinces me no one will care. I proceed to find things to fill my day, and the stories remain untold. Over time some stories have forced themselves onto paper, but only because I had nothing left but to let them out.

I’ve decided to start publishing the stories trapped in the confines of my computer. Today, the decision was forced upon me when I considered the future of my children and grandchildren. I thought of all their opportunities, challenges, and accomplishments witnessed by others but not by me. This led me to consider all the ways their lives have already enriched my life. Each contact we have with another has the potential to impact all participants now or in the future.

The high school choir teacher who gave a shy, quiet boy a life long love of music and it’s ability to express deeply felt emotions. The military leader who taught the value of each member, no matter their life before joining the team. The CEO of a large multinational corporation who spoke of the potential of each employee to make a meaningful contribution, whatever their position. The religious leader pointing out religion is not a future insurance policy but a door to a full spiritual life today.

I’ve been fortunate to share in the growth of my children from birth to adulthood. While I hope they’ve learned from me, I know their lives have been shaped by many who’ve touched them in ways no one may know. We now have a grandson who can light the world simply by being in it.

I look forward to the daily stories to be written based on experiences yet lived. Write your daily story; the world needs it.

Each category on this site has a theme. I hope you enjoy your visit.

Ethics The guideposts on our path

Gallery Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Here you will find sections dedicated to the beauty of our world in landscapes, portraits, and pets

Musings of an Old Fart Thoughts of a lifetime

Rio Vista Living Yesterday, today, and tomorrow in our corner of the world

Curious what you might see and hear at a traditional Christian liturgical service? Check out Spirituality. Wonder what music you may hear? Follow me on Spotify, where I create a new playlist weekly.

The Storyteller Stories touch our hearts through our minds.

Traveling with Tahoe Exploring our world in words and pictures

How important are personal traits in your life? A lifetime hiring, training, and managing people in diverse positions, as well as success and failures in personal relationships, have taught me a person’s success is dependent on the following traits.

Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Ethics, Desire to succeed